2040 Community Vision


Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas to the development of Corangamite Shire’s first Community Vision. The Citizens Jury has considered all submissions, sought additional information, obtained advice from subject experts and completed its deliberations. The Jury’s final report was adopted by Council at the June Council Meeting 2021.

Members of the Corangamite community are invited to read the 2040 Corangamite Community Vision. Public submissions were put before Council prior to its consideration of the Jury’s final report.

Background to the preparation of the 2040 Corangamite Community Vision can be found below, including links to all public submissions received.

2040 Community Vision Report(PDF, 7MB)


Corangamite Shire has embarked on a project to develop a community-led vision of a preferred future for the whole of our municipality. Like the current township community plans, this Shire-wide vision will be created by the community, for the community.

Under the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020, the Community Vision will be updated every four years, so that its currency will be maintained for the four-year term of each newly elected Council.


Planning for 2040 is a big topic and there are many different ways to approach it. One is to make predictions about the future based on past experience or identified trends. This year has shown us that this can be a risky business. Another approach is to imagine a different world beyond current constraints, but that too may not be especially practical. This Community Vision is more than some fanciful wish for a far-off future - it is meant to be something to guide what we do and the decisions we make today. For that reason, we are suggesting that our planning here should be for a preferred vision or visions for Corangamite Shire. That way we will set a direction - something to work towards together.


This first Corangamite Community Vison has been prepared independently of Council. A Citizens Jury has been selected by an independent agency. All jury sessions will be conducted online, supported by an independent facilitator.

Ideas to be considered by the Citizens Jury will come from members of the Corangamite community. The Jury will also request other information it needs for its deliberations. All community submissions will be made available to the public for viewing online. 


View all submissions to date here:



  1. The new Victorian Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to develop a Community Vision to provide strategic direction for Council’s long-term planning for the municipality, as well as the four-year Council Plan.

  2. It has been demonstrated that decisions made with genuine and thorough community participation are better and more effective decisions than those made solely by elected officials or public servants.

  3. Communities not only have a right to participate in decisions which affect them, they can have trust in decisions made by fellow citizens given sufficient time and access to information to deliberate on their decisions free from undue influence.

WHY 2040?
The new Local Government Act 2020 states that the scope of the Community Vision is a period of at least the next 10 financial years. The point is to look beyond day-to-day issues to set a strategic vision for the municipality. A broader 20 year horizon helps us all to think about what we really value and also what we can do to make it happen. Planning for the next four years will be addressed in the four-year Council Plan, as well as the 10-year-plus Financial Plan.

Community engagement is a planned process encouraging active involvement of individuals and groups in decisions that affect them or are of interest to them. This typically involves the gathering of ideas and opinions through surveys and polls and sometimes voting online or at public meetings. Deliberative engagement goes a step further. It is a process where a representative group of citizens considers and critically weighs up different ideas, opinions and relevant facts in order to come to an agreed position. It typically involves examining facts from different points of view, seeking out relevant information and advice, and critical discussions between group members. Deliberative approaches are used where the decision outcomes will have high impact or long-term effects on the community.

Council needs a range of people to participate and contribute their ideas – so that the Community Vision reflects the needs and aspirations of the municipality as a whole. We need people representing the interests of men and women, young people and old people and those in between, people from urban and rural areas of the Shire, and a spread of participants from the north, centre and south of the Shire. We are asking participants to supply this basic demographic data so we can take active steps to seek out input from individuals in under-represented groups.

The Community Vision needs to describe the Corangamite Shire community’s aspirations for the municipality. It can include advice on any subject you think is important to shaping your preferred future for Corangamite Shire towards 2040. Ideas might cover the services, infrastructure and amenities you expect Council to provide, or how you think Council should operate. The Community Vision might include proposals for change you want Council to advocate for on behalf of the community. It might also include ideas for partnerships with the community, businesses, organisations or other governments and their agencies. The Community Vision could make reference to any social, environmental, economic or cultural issue you think is important to your preferred future for Corangamite Shire.

Community Township Plans remain really important plans in Corangamite. The Community Vision will not replace these plans but instead is wider in scope and will look at issues affecting the Shire as a whole. Community members can still raise matters that might relate to one or more towns or other locations across Corangamite Shire as well as issues originating outside the municipality.

Yes, that’s the way it used to be – but not anymore. The State Parliament has passed a new Local Government Act aimed at bringing improved transparency and accountability to municipal governance. The Act requires all Councils to involve the municipal community in high-level strategic planning and direction setting. It mandates deliberative processes to ensure that the direction Council takes reflects the aspirations of the municipal community.