Planning Scheme Amendment C65 - Camperdown Production Precinct

Submissions closed 5 pm on Monday 6 January 2025.

Production precinct.jpg


The amendment implements the Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan (2024) by rezoning part of the precinct to Industrial 1 Zone, updating policy, introducing design and development controls and other minor consequential changes to the Corangamite Shire Planning Scheme.

For further details, refer to the explanatory report about the amendment.

See supporting documents here.


Details of the amendment

The Corangamite Shire Council planning authority has prepared Amendment C65 to the Corangamite Planning Scheme.

The land afected by the amendment is within the Camperdown Production Precinct (CPP) in accordance with the outcomes of the Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan (February 2024).

The area is 14.52ha in area, and generally includes land to the east of the Timboon Creek, and north of Old-Geelong Road with Depot Road dividing the precinct. The land affected includes all the existing Industrial 1 Zone and a portion of the Farming Zone to the north of the Industrial 1 Zone.


The amendment proposes to:

  • Rezone land to the north of the existing Industrial 1 Zone in the CPP from Farming Zone to Industrial 1 Zone, allowing for greater use of the precinct for industrial purposes.
  • Apply the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 9 (DDO9) to the Camperdown Production Precinct, which introduces built form and siting guidelines for all new development in the precinct.
  • Amend Clause 02.03 Strategic Directions to include strategies regarding the development of land within the CPP, including service and infrastructure provisions for all industrial land.
  • Insert a new Clause 17.03-1L for Industrial Land Supply, to give policy direction and strategies for the Camperdown Production Precinct.
  • Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.08 Background Documents by introducing the Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan (February 2024) as a background document.


Have your say

Submissions on this amendment have now closed.

A planning scheme is a legal document that sets out policies and provisions that determine how land can be used, developed and/or protected within a Shire.

The Corangamite Planning Scheme includes:

  • vision, strategic direction & planning policy
  • maps that identify zones and overlays
  • written text explaining what each zone and overlay means and what planning policies and other provisions apply
  • incorporated documents referenced by the scheme, but not included.

Under the Corangamite Planning Scheme all land is zoned for a particular purpose. For example, residential, commercial, industrial, farming or recreation. Each zone indicates the type of uses allowed on the land, as well as controls relating to buildings and subdivisions.

A planning scheme amendment is a process that seeks to change sections of the Corangamite Planning Scheme to implement Council’s strategic projects and introduce planning policies that are up to date and best reflect Shire policies.

An amendment can include a change to a planning scheme map through the rezoning of land or the introduction of an overlay, a change to a written part of the scheme, including local policies, studies and strategies, or both.

The process for changing a planning scheme is set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Further information about the amendment process and the formal steps undertaken by Council can be found on the department’s website here.