The Maternal and Child Health Service is a free service funded jointly by the Victorian Government and local government and is delivered for families with children from birth to school age. Maternal and Child Health centres are staffed by registered nurses with qualifications in midwifery, and family and child health.
The service aims to promote the health, wellbeing, learning and development of young children and their families; and to detect health and wellbeing problems early.
More specifically, at a Maternal and Child Health Service you can:
- get information, support and advice on a variety of topics, including parenting, child health, development and learning, child behaviour, immunisation, breastfeeding, nutrition, safety and family planning
- attend at specific times during your child's early years for a one-on-one consultation that includes a health and development review
- take advantage of additional activities, for example first-time parent groups and educational sessions tailored to your family's needs and circumstances
- get help to make contact with local services, such as Early Parenting centres, if you need extra assistance
- participate in a parent group where you can get information and meet other parents in the local area.
Phone 1800 552 902 for Corangamite Shire Maternal & Child Health appointments
Maternal & Child Health Line (24 Hours): 132 229
There are seven Maternal and Child Health Centres throughout the Shire.
Please ring 1800 552 902 to make an appointment at any of the Maternal & Child centres.
For further help and support you can call the Maternal & Child Health Line 132229 . This service operates 24 hours a day every day of the year.
Location |
Address |
For central booking |
Camperdown |
Camperdown Kindergarten
50 Campbell Street
Camperdown |
1800 552 902 |
Lismore |
Lismore Community Health Centre
102 High Street
Lismore |
1800 552 902 |
Skipton |
Beaufort & Skipton Health Services
2 Blake Street
1800 552 902 |
Simpson |
Simpson Kindergarten
19 Barrumal Street
Simpson |
1800 552 902 |
Timboon |
Timboon & District Healthcare Service
21 Hospital Road
Timboon |
1800 552 902 |
Terang |
Terang Children's Centre
62 Dow Street
Terang |
1800 552 902 |
Cobden |
Cobden Kindergarten
Maternal Child Health consult rooms
Victoria St
Cobden |
1800 552 902 |
Visits to Maternal and Child health at key ages are recommenced to review the health, growth and development of your child. Your child’s progress is then recorded in their Child Health Record, which may help other professionals with the health and education of your child. Key visits also coincide with routine schedule immunisations, so parents in Corangamite have the convenience of a health assessment and immunisation in the same visit.
There are 10 key visits when a review of each child's health, learning and development is recommended:
- Home visit: introducing and linking to local services and resources, such as safe sleeping education, breastfeeding support and parenting support
- At two weeks: growth, development, safety, nutrition and feeding, hearing review and parenting support
- At four weeks: growth, maternal health review, nutrition and feeding, parenting support and safety
- At eight weeks: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, link to parent groups, immunisation and safety
- At four months: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support and safety
- At eight months: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, hearing review, safety and oral health
- At 12 months: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, safety and immunisations
- At 18 months: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, safety, oral health and playgroups
- At two years: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, safety and kindergarten enrolment
- At three-and-a-half years: growth, development, nutrition and feeding, parenting support, safety, oral health, vision screening and kindergarten information
Some families require additional support and may want to use the service at other times by arrangement.
Becoming a parent for the first time can be a challenging yet exciting time. To help first time parents get the support they need, the Maternal and Child Health Service runs 'first time parents groups'. These groups enable first time parents to meet together in a relaxed and supportive environment.
The groups are facilitated by Maternal and Child Health nurses and guest speakers who provide Early Years Programs who will be happy to answer any questions you may have during these sessions.
Ideally parents join the program when their baby is between one month and four months of age but we welcome all first time parents with a baby up to six months of age. First time parents who have a child over six months of age can talk with the Maternal and Child Health nurse about the possibility about joining an existing older age new parent group.
Fathers are encouraged to attend the First parent Groups and any of our Early Years Services. We also have a new Dad's group program - learn more here: Dad's Matter.
For further information about the Maternal Child Health Service go to Maternal Child Health
Maternal & Child Health Line - 13 22 29: qualified maternal and child health nurses provide information, support and advice to Victorian families with children from birth to school age (5 years old) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maternal and Child Health Line Service
Domestic and Family Violence 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 7328):
PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia) National Helpline 1300 726 306: Monday to Saturday 9 am to 7.30 pm AEST/AEDT
Breastfeeding Helpline - 1800 mum 2 mum (1800 686 268): talk to a breastfeeding counsellor
Parent Line - 13 22 89: this telephone counselling service is available to parents and carers of children aged birth to 18 years throughout Victoria. They provide information and assistance on a wide range of issues, including those who are struggling with or finding the parenting role challenging. They cannot, however, provide you with legal or medical advice.
Nurse on Call - 1300 60 60 24: this telephone service provides immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nurse on Call
Poisons Information Centre - 13 11 26: for 24 hour-a-day, 7 day a week advice on poisoning, suspected poisoning, and mistakes with medicine, bites and stings. Victorian Poisons Information Centre.
Safe Sleep: red nose
Quit Line - 13 78 48: Exposure to second-hand smoke also causes premature death and disease in children and adults who do not smoke. There is no risk-free level of exposure to second-hand smoke. Quitting at any age has health benefits, with the largest reduction in health risks in those who quit the earliest. Many Australians remain unaware of the extent of the impact smoking has on the body.
Terang Day Stay
49 Bolivar St (opposite Terang & Mortlake Health Service), Terang
Telephone: (03) 5592 0284
This program operates every Tuesday in partnership with Terang & Mortlake Health Service.
Terang Day Stay will provide an opportunity for you and your family to explore any parenting issues you need support with. We care for families with babies, toddlers and children up to age 3. View flyer.(PDF, 271KB)