Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan

Submissions closed on 04 January 2024, 05:00 PM


Corangamite Shire Council (Council) has now prepared the Draft Camperdown Production Precinct Servicing Masterplan (Masterplan). This arises from the Corangamite Shire Industrial Strategy, recommending the need for a high-quality Business Park in Camperdown, and recently supported by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) with funding as part of the Victorian Streamlining for Growth Program.

The Camperdown Production Precinct is located on Old Geelong Road, north of Camperdown township and south of Lake Colongulac. Council seeks to support and build on the strength of the Shire’s agricultural sector, with large dairy and grain manufacturers.

The Draft Masterplan is now available, we invite you to download the Draft Masterplan and provide your feedback. 

View the draft plan(PDF, 16MB)

Purpose of the Masterplan

The Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan will provide the Council, community, and landowners/ businesses with the vision, direction and implementable actions required, to enable the long-term growth and management of the industrial estate.

It will be used to coordinate future business, especially in relation to design and servicing, as well as provide opportunities to seek funding and investment opportunities. This will ultimately allow for the provision of a high-quality and sustainable business park that will support local industrial sectors and encourage new business to the Shire.


The Camperdown Production Precinct will be:

“A precinct promoting innovative business opportunities, that value-add the food and fibre industries, and underpinned by sustainable value creation.”

Guiding Principles

The vision for the Camperdown Production Precinct Servicing Masterplan highlights the importance of the precinct to the Shire and its significance in supporting the food and fibre sector. It will be implemented through the strategies and actions outlined in this Masterplan and guided by the following principles:

  • Provision of adequate land that is ‘development ready’ to meet future requirements for expansion of the industrial estate and existing businesses.
  • Protection of the landscape and environmental values that surround the site and contribute to the character of Camperdown.
  • Protection of any Traditional Owner Cultural heritage and post-contact built and social heritage values within and surrounding the site.
  • Provision of landscaping and built form guidelines that enhances the visual amenity of the estate and positively contributes to the surrounding rural character.
  • Incorporating integrated water management systems that support the existing environmental characteristics of the site, while providing opportunities for sustainable water re-use.
  • Supporting renewable energy options that enhance business operations and provide sustainable energy generation and storage.
  • Acknowledging the importance of existing businesses, as well as the dairy farming industry in the expansion of the industrial estate.
  • Supporting job creation and a diverse economy within the Shire.
  • Contributing to an integrated movement network that improves access to, and links, the precinct within regional assets and the Camperdown town centre.

Have your say

The consultation period for the Draft Masterplanl closed Thursday 4 January at 5 pm. Thank you to those who provided feedback.

Feedback received during this time will be considered in the finalisation of the Masterplan, before it is adopted by the Council in early 2024.