Camperdown Court House Access Ramp

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Corangamite Shire along with with the Camperdown Courthouse Committee have been working closely to finalise a concept design for the construction of an accessible ramp intothe Camperdown Court House on Manifold Street.

The addition of the ramp will help ensure that everyone can access the services provided by the volunteers of the Courthouse Committee with locals and tourists being able to experience the buildings history and architectural features of the heritage building. 

The group have engaged a Heritage Advisor to provide advice on the location and construction methods to be used for the works and these discussions have culminated in the concept design is provided below. This design will see  a new entrance from McNicol Street created with easy access from the bus stop through to the facility.


A face-to-face drop-in session will be held at the court house at 10 am, Wednesday 3 February. This will provide an opportunity for the community to provide comment on the proposed design and Council officers will be available to answer any questions that may arise from the proposed works.

The community can also give feedback via the form below.