Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act), every person has the right to request access to documents held by Victorian public sector agencies and Ministers. This right of access is subject to exceptions and exemptions necessary to protect essential public and private interests.
Making a valid request
Under section 17 of the FOI Act, a request must meet three requirements to be valid:
- your request must be in writing;
- you must provide sufficient information about the documents you are requesting to enable us to identify and locate relevant documents; and
- you must pay the application fee, or if payment of the application fee would cause you hardship you can request us to waive the fee in full or in part.
For more information on how to make a valid freedom of information (FOI) request, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s (OVIC) website www.ovic.vic.gov.au.
After you submit a request
After you submit a request, we will assess it to ensure it meets the requirements outlined in section 17 of the FOI Act. If we determine that your request is not valid, we will notify you within 21 days from the date we received your request and provide you with assistance to help you make the request valid. If your request is valid, we will begin processing it.
We have 30 days from the date you make a valid request to provide you with a decision. However, we can extend this time by up to 15 days if we need to consult with third parties whose information may be contained in the requested documents. We may also extend this time by up to 30 days with your agreement. We will let you know if the timeframe changes.
We may notify and consult with third parties in considering whether an exemption under sections 29, 31, 31A, 33, 34 or 35 of the FOI Act applies. Some examples of documents affected include:
- Documents affecting personal privacy (such as names, addresses, phone numbers) - section 33(1)
- Documents relating to trade secrets (putting a commercial business at an unreasonable disadvantage) - section 34(1)
- Documents affecting legal proceedings (legal advice or opinions) - section 32(1)
- Documents prepared for and used at a meeting closed to the public (such as minutes, reports) - section 38A
This consultation may involve disclosing details such as the terms of your request and the documents falling within the scope of your request that concern the relevant third parties.
If necessary, we may transfer your request under section 18 of the FOI Act to another agency or Minister who is better placed to handle your request. We will tell you if we do this.
Where a decision is made to refuse or defer access, the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for denial/deferral. If the applicant is not satisfied with the reasons he/she can seek a review from the Freedom of Information Commissioner.
Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner
PO Box 24274
Melbourne Victoria 3001
Other charges
We may require you to pay certain charges before access is provided to the requested document(s). For example, we may charge for providing copies of the document(s) or supervising an inspection of the document(s). If these charges exceed $50.00, we will notify you and request that you pay a deposit before proceeding with your request.
Collection, use and disclosure of your personal information
Corangamite Shire is committed to providing you with the highest levels of service. This includes protecting your privacy. When your personal information is collected for the purpose of processing your request, Council undertakes to ensure full compliance with its obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Corangamite Shire Council (“Council”) aim to make our information and documents easily accessible by members of the public. The statements listed in the part II statement outline the functions of Council and provide a non-exhaustive list of the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions.
In accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (‘the Act”). The purpose is to provide an overview of the types of documents kept by the Corangamite Shire Council and explains the Freedom of Information process.
Section 7 of the Act requires all agencies, to publish a set of statements that describe their powers and functions, the documents and information they keep and the ways people can view or get copies of them.
We aim to make our information and documents easily accessible by members of the public.
Organisations and Functions
This section outlines the functions of Council. Council performs its functions through the enforcement and administration of a large number of Victorian Acts and regulations plus Council local laws.
As prescribed under section 8 of the Local Government Act 2020, the functions of Council is to provide good governance in its municipal district for the wellbeing of the municipal community. This function is to be conducted under the overarching governance and supporting principles set out in Section 9 of the Local Government Act 2020.
These are as follows:
- Council decisions are to be made and actions taken in accordance with the relevant law
- Priority is to be given to achieving the best outcomes for the municipal community, including future generations
- The economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the municipal district, including mitigation and planning for climate change risks, is to be promoted
- The municipal community is to be engaged in strategic planning and strategic decision making
- Innovation and continuous improvement is to be pursued
- Collaboration with other Councils and Governments and statutory bodies is to be sought
- The ongoing financial viability of the Council is to be ensured
To achieve our objectives Council provide the following services
Animal management |
Environmental Management |
Building Control |
Governance |
Community and Economic Development |
Land Use Planning |
Emergency Services |
Rates and Valuations |
Emergency Management |
Recreational and Cultural Services |
Environmental Health |
Service Infrastructure Management |
Decision Making Powers
Council exercises its decision-making powers in two formal forums: Council meetings and Services Special Committee meetings.
Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except public holidays, when the meeting is held on a Wednesday). In December, the meeting is held a week earlier to allow Council decisions to be implemented prior to Christmas. Meetings begin at 7 pm and are held either at the Killara Centre in Camperdown (210-212 Manifold Street, behind the public library) or at a venue in one of the Shire’s wards. Council meetings are livestreamed on our Facebook page and website.
Further details of specific decision-making powers held by Council and Council officers in relation to legislation can be found in Council’s Instruments of Delegation, which are available for public inspection.
Consultative Arrangements
Council must consult with other persons and bodies in relation to its activities and the impact on internal and external stakeholders. Council has adopted a Community Engagement Policy Community Engagement Policy - Corangamite Shire which aims to establish a clear statement about the role of community engagement activities in Council decision-making processes including, but not limited to: strategic projects, policy, plan and strategy development, service delivery programs, major projects, and capital works.
Council’s consultation consists of activities such as town walk throughs (for streetscape and infrastructure projects), taking part in the Community Satisfaction Survey, sitting on advisory committees for community projects, and facilitation of community plans developed for each township within the Shire.
Community Asset Committees of Council are committees set up by Council under section 65 of the Local Government Act 2020 to manage community assets within Corangamite Shire. Committee members are appointed by Council for a fixed term, and are delegated powers, duties, and functions by the Chief Executive Officer. Positions are advertised when they become available. The following committees are current Community Asset Committees of Council:
Berrybank Hall Committee of Management |
Camperdown Swimming Pool Committee of Management |
Cobden Aerodrome Committee of Management |
Cobden Civic Hall Committee of Management |
Kilnoorat Cemetery Committee of Management |
Ecklin Hall Committee of Management |
Lismore Swimming Pool Committee of Management |
Lake Tooliorook Recreation Reserve Committee of Management |
Mount Noorat Committee of Management |
Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf Committee of Management |
Simpson and District Public Hall Committee of Management |
Port Campbell Public Purposes Reserve Committee Management |
Terang Civic Centre Committee of Management |
Skipton Swimming Pool Committee of Management |
Timboon and District Public Hall Committee of Management |
Terang Swimming Pool Committee of Management |
Timboon Swimming Pool Committee of Management |
Timboon Sporting Centre Committee of Management |
Council has set up a number of Advisory Committees to provide a consultative process for the community and provide advice to Council, these include:
Access and Inclusion Group |
Audit Committee |
Camperdown Saleyards Advisory Committee |
Central Pools Committee |
Cobden Airstrip Advisory Committee |
Cobden Lake Advisory Committee |
Cobden Racecourse Reserve Advisory Committee |
Cobden Recreation Advisory Committee |
Corangamite Heritage Study Advisory Committee |
Corangamite Youth Council |
Elm Tree Reference Group |
Environmental Monitoring Committee |
Lake Bullen Merri and Lake Gnotuk Advisory Committee |
Landfill Environmental Monitoring Committee |
Municipal Emergency Management Committee |
Other community reference groups may be established for projects for example, the Noorat Public Art Reference Group.
Acts Administered
Council performs its functions through the enforcement and administration of Victorian Acts, Regulations and Council Local Laws. The following non-exhaustive list is indicative of the Acts, Regulations and Local Laws that apply to Council.
Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 |
Building Act 1993 Building Regulations 2018 |
Catchment and land Protection (Register of Interests) Regulations 2016 Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 |
Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 |
Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2015 |
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 |
Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 |
Children Youth and Families Act 2005 |
Climate Change Act 2017 |
Conservation, Forests and Land Act 1987 |
Country Fire Authority Act 1958 |
Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963 |
Dangerous Good Act 1985 |
Development Victoria Act 2003 |
Disability Act 2006 |
Domestic Animals Act 1994 |
Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 |
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 1981 |
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 |
Education and Training Reform Act 2006 |
Electoral Act 2002 |
Electricity Safety Act 1998 |
Emergency Management Act 1986 |
Emergency Management Act 2013 |
Environment Protection Act 2017 |
Estate Agents Act 1980 |
Family Violence Protection Act 2008 |
Fences Act 1968 |
Filming Approval Act 2014 |
Fines Reform Act 2014 |
Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012 |
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 |
Food Act 1984 |
Freedom of Information Act 1982 |
Gambling Regulation Act 2003 |
Geothermal Energy Resources Act 2016 |
Graffiti Prevention Act 2007 |
Health Records Act 2001 |
Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 |
Heritage Act 2017 |
Housing Act 1983 |
Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 |
Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2011 |
Infringements Act 2006 |
Infringements Regulations 2016 |
Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 |
Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations 2021 |
Land Act 1958 Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 |
Local Government (Electoral) Regulations 2020 |
Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 |
Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020 |
Local Government (Land Information) Regulations 2021 |
Local Government (Long Service leave) Regulations 2021 |
Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020 |
Local Government Act 1989 |
Local Government Act 2020 |
Local Government Revocation Regulations 2021 |
Local Government Revocation Regulations 2020 |
Magistrates' Court Act 1989 |
Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 |
Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 |
National Parks Act 1975 |
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 |
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 |
Pipelines Act 2005 |
Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 |
Planning and Environment Act 1987 |
Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 |
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 2019 |
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 |
Public Health and Well Being Regulations 2019 |
Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 |
Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 |
Public Records Act 1973 |
Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2020 |
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 |
Road Management (General) Regulations 2016 |
Road Management (Works and infrastructure) Regulations 2015 |
Road Management Act 2004 |
Road Safety (General) Regulations 2019 |
Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019 |
Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021 |
Road Safety Act 1986 |
Road Safety Road Rules 2017 |
Rooming House Operators Act 2016 |
Second Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1989 |
Sex Work Act 1994 Sheriff Act 2009 |
Shop Trading Reform Act 1996 |
Sport and Recreation Act 1972 |
Subdivision (Fees) Regulations 2016 |
Subdivision (Procedures) Regulations 2021 |
Subdivision (Registrar's Requirements) Regulations 2021 |
Subdivision Act 1988 |
Summary Offences Act 1966 Tobacco Act 1987 |
Transfer of Land Act 1958 Transport (Safety Schemes Compliance and Enforcement) Act 2014 |
Transport Integration Act 2010 |
Valuation of Land Act 1960 |
Victoria Local Government Grants Commission Act 1976 |
Victoria State Emergency Service Act 2005 |
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 |
Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011 |
Water Act 1989 |
Categories of Documents
Council uses an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS), provided by TechnologyOne, called Enterprise Content Manager (ECM) as its central records management system for Council business. The system is used to manage Council’s paper records and electronic records, moving towards a fully electronic records management system.
Council keeps a variety of documents, ranging from general correspondence with members of the public to Council adopted policies and resolutions. The categories of documents in Councils possession are listed below.
Animal Management |
Domestic Animal Registration
Domestic Animal Business Registration
Responsible Pet Ownership Promotion Enforcement |
Building |
Building Permit Management |
Municipal Building Surveyor Services |
Community and Economic Development |
Community and Economic Development Support Competitions and Awards |
Tourism |
Community Services |
Accreditation and Registration
Individual Support Services Management
Program Management
Immunisation Management |
Maternal and Child Health Service Provision
Childcare and Early Education Provision
Staff Reporting |
Emergency Management |
Community Preparedness
Emergency Response |
Community Recovery |
Environmental Health |
Premises or Business Registration
Compliance Management |
Infectious Diseases Management
Consumer Safety Management |
Environmental Management |
Waste Management
Illegal Dumping and Litter Management
Effluent and Wastewater Management |
Ecosystem Management
Sustainability Initiatives |
Governance |
Electoral Boundaries and Electoral Structures – Review
Planning, Preparation and Conduct of Local Government Elections and Polls of Voters
Challenges to Election Conduct or Results
Council and Committee Meetings
Law Making Compliance
Administration and Enforcement |
Land Use Planning |
Planning Scheme Management
Planning Scheme Amendments
Enforcement |
Rates and Valuations
Property Valuation |
Rates Management |
Recreational and Cultural Services |
Community Events
Facilities and Programs |
Cultural and Community Heritage |
Service Infrastructure Management |
Service Infrastructure Development and Redevelopment |
Service Infrastructure Maintenance
Service Infrastructure Enforcement |
Committees |
Advisory Committees
External Committees – Convened by the Agency
External Committees – Not Convened by the Agency |
Facilitation of Meetings
Internal Committees – Operational
Internal Committees – Strategic |
Community Relations |
Addresses (Presentations)
Celebrations, Ceremonies & Functions
Customer Service Donations
Enquiries & Public Reaction
Fundraising |
Grant Allocation
Grant Funding Received
Media Relations
Visits & Tours |
Contracting Out |
Contractors |
Tendering/Quotations |
Equipment and Stores |
Usage |
Financial Management |
Asset Register
Financial Statements
Pecuniary Interests
Loans Management |
Fleet Management |
Usage |
Government Relations |
Addresses (Presentations)
Cabinet Business Management
Inquiries |
Joint Ventures
Industrial Relations |
Appeals |
Industrial Action
Workplace Agreements |
Information Management |
Disposal |
Freedom of Information (FOI)
Mail Management
Storage |
Legal Services |
Compensation |
Property Litigation |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Compliance |
Health Promotion
Risk Management |
Policy |
Organisational Policy
Council Policy |
Property Management |
Accidents, Damage & Illegal Entry
Construction & Renovation
Insurance |
Pest Control
Security |
Publication |
Agency Photographs & Films
Agency Publication
Corporate Style |
Production |
Reporting |
Administrative Reporting
Annual Reporting |
Functional Reporting
Input to Agency Reports |
Strategic Management |
Customer Service Strategy
Project Management |
Risk Management |
Technology and Communications |
Application Development
Audit Control
Customer Service
Data Administration
Database Management
Implementation and Installation Inspections Leasing Licenses Maintenance Security
Principal Records Series
EDRMS Based Files 2009 – to present.
All central Council records are kept electronically and/or in hardcopy, through a function-based classification in ECM.
Subject Files 1994 – 2009
Central Council files from 1994 to 2009 are kept in hardcopy on subject based files. These are stored in Council’s onsite storage facility.
Planning Files 1994 – 2009
Planning files are kept in hardcopy and are stored at Council’s onsite storage facility; Planning Files are being migrated to Council’s EDRMS.
Building Files 1994 – 2009
Building files are kept in hardcopy and are stored at Council’s onsite storage facility; Building Files are being migrated to Council’s EDRMS.
Contract Files 1994 – to present
Contract files are kept at Council’s onsite storage as well as offsite secondary storage.
Historical Records
Shire of Hampden, Town of Camperdown, and Shire of Heytesbury records prior to amalgamation are kept at Council’s onsite storage facility and a secondary offsite storage.
Contract Files: Shire of Hampden, Town of Camperdown, and Shire of Heytesbury contracts files prior to amalgamation are kept at Council’s offsite storage provider
Planning and Building Files: Town of Camperdown, Shire of Hampden and Heytesbury planning and building files are kept at Council’s onsite storage facility.
Freedom of Information Arrangements
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) requires Council to make available information and documentation, where such information and documentation is not exempt by legislation.
All FOI Requests should be accompanied with payment of the right application fee, specified by the Act ($32.70 as of 1st July 2024). Added costs may apply depending on the nature of the request and the amount of search time or number of documents to be provided.
FOI Access Arrangements
Under section 17 of the FOI Act, a request must meet three requirements to be valid:
- your request must be in writing;
- you must provide sufficient information about the documents you are requesting to enable us to identify and locate relevant documents; and
- you must pay the application fee, or if payment of the application fee would cause you hardship you can request us to waive the fee in full or in part.
On receipt of a Freedom of Information request a response will be provided within 30 days. The protection of the public interest and business affairs may cause documents to be exempted from access. Where a decision is made to refuse or defer access, the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for denial/deferral. If the applicant is not satisfied with the reasons, they can seek a review from the Freedom of Information Commissioner.
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
PO Box 24274
Melbourne Victoria 3001
Identification of Documents
FOI requests must have sufficient detail concerning the document to enable the agency to identify it. Information about the subject and approximate date of the document(s) requested, if known, should be included.
Where a request does not supply the necessary information to sufficiently identify the document(s) requested, the FOI Officer will help the applicant in making a request which will aid in identifying the document(s) sought.
Applicants will be supplied with a statement of further charges if applicable. Charges will be per the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014. These are currently (1 January 2024) set at
Charge |
Amount in fee units |
Amount in dollars |
Photocopying Black and White |
20 cents per A4 page |
20 cents per A4 page |
Photocopying other than Black and white |
The reasonable costs incurred by agency in supplying the copy |
50 cents per A3 page or A4 double sided
60 cents per A3 double sided |
Charge for search time |
1.5 fee units per hour or part of an hour |
$24.495 per hour or part of an hour |
Charge for supervision |
1.5 fee units per hour (to be calculated per quarter hour or part of a quarter hour) |
$24.495 per hour (to be calculated per quarter hour or part of a quarter hour
Correction of Personal Information
Requests for correction or amendment of information about a person which is contained in a document held by Council may be made and writing and should specify,
- An address where notices may be sent to the person making the request.
- Particulars of why the requestor believes the information to be incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading and specifying the amendments he or she wishes made
Nominated Officers
These are the nominated officer for the initial receipt of, and action of Freedom of Information Requests.
Mr Steven Welsh – Manager Information Services
Ms Kathrine Bryan – Coordinator Knowledge and Records Services.
Corangamite Shire Council
PO Box 84
181 Manifold Street
Camperdown Victoria 3260
Telephone (03) 5593 7100
Council supplies a free mailing list to all called e-news. This mailing list can be subscribed to by going to Corangamite e-news. Council also sends a quarterly newssheet, Corangamite News, to all residents.
A number of other publications are available on Council’s website including:
View all publications here: Publications - Corangamite Shire
Data that council holds is made freely available through the Corangamite Data Portal. This portal has information such as
- Corangamite Shire Assets
- Camperdown Weather Station data
- Street and Park tree positions
- Animal Registrations
The data contained in the portal is released under a creative commons license and is released in line with the Open Data Access Policy
Policies, Procedures, Policies and Guidelines
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires Council to make available certain documents for inspection and purchase. This statement applies to documents that are provided by Council for the use or guidance of Council or its officers in:
- making decisions/recommendations; and
- providing advice to persons outside Council with respect to rights, privileges, benefits, obligations, penalties.
This list is not an exhaustive list of documents used by Council or its officers, it is an example of documents which are frequently referred to. Many of the documents are available directly for download through Councils website.
For Plans, Council Reports, Annual Report and Strategies refer here
For Council Adopted Policies refer here.
Report Literature
Under section 11 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, Council must make a wide range of final report and records of decisions relating to policy and the administration of policy of interest to the public available for inspection or purchase.
Council publishes its progress reports, final reports and records of decisions relating to policy within Council meeting minutes and they are available for download from the website.
Council posts reports and policies on the Corangamite Shire Council website and a search engine can be used to locate them. In addition, copies can be made available for inspection or purchase by contacting Council on (03) 5593 7100 or shire@corangamite.vic.gov.au