January Council Meeting wrap


At the January Ordinary Meeting, Council:

  • adopted the Audit Committee Charter dated January 2019;

  • received the 2018 Audit Committee Annual Report;
  • received the signed Oath of Office and signed Code of Conduct declaration of Councillor Wayne Oakes;

  • adopted the simplified Events and Festivals Grant Program Policy dated January 2019;

  • authorised the CEO to lodge the submission on the Draft Solar Energy Facilities Design and Development Guidelines and forward a copy to the Municipal Association of Victoria;

  • supported the Combined Local Government Waste Forum Chairs and the Municipal Association of Victoria to advocate on Waste and Resource Recovery issues to State and Federal Governments;

  • received the finance report and approved the forecast budget for 2018-2019;

  • dissolved the Camperdown Botanic Gardens & Arboretum Reference Group, approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Council and the Camperdown Botanic Gardens and Arboretum Trust Inc., and delegated the Chief Executive Officer to finalise the Agreement;

  • approved the proposed fees and charges for programs and activities conducted at the Timboon Sporting Centre for February 2019 to June 2019;

  • renewed Cobden Airstrip facilities lease for five years with the option of a further five-years;

  • declared a special charge scheme to build 390 metres of concrete footpaths on Dover Street, Cobden, from Silvester Street to Mitchell Street;

  • approved a Quick Response Grant of $500 to the Camperdown Grandstand Restoration Committee Inc, towards accounting and audit fees;

  • noted advice from Local Government Victoria on a change to Corangamite Shire’s allowance category from Category 2 to Category 1; and

  • determined that it opposed plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight and to communicate its opposition to Equinor, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, relevant State and Federal ministers, local State and Federal members of Parliament, and councils along the Victorian coast.

Please click here for Council meeting minutes and agendas