What happened at the March Council Meeting

At its March meeting, Council

  • received the Biannual Audit and Risk Committee report for March 2024;
  • refused a Planning Permit for a two-lot subdivision (excision of dwelling) on Cooriemungle Road, Cooriemungle;
  • Adopted the new
    • Naming of Roads, Features and Localities Policy;
    • Events and Festivals Grant Program Policy;
    • Support for Events and Festivals (Traffic Management and Associated Local Law Fee Exemptions) Policy; and
    • Business Continuity Policy;
  • revoked the Community Planning Infrastructure Policy dated November 2019;
  • adopted a new the Cattle Underpasses Policy;
  • varied the Special Charge Scheme for new footpath on the eastern side of Timboon Curdievale Road from Lambert Street to Haywards Road, Timboon to acknowledge the final costs, and resolved to call on property owners for payment;
  • endorsed the substitution of the Skipton Jubilee Park Carpark project for the Morris Street footpath project of $89,890 for Phase B funding under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and that Council refer the Morris St footpath project to the 2024-2025 Budget process for consideration
  • approved $2,000 excl GST from the Business Assistance Scheme to Alderwood Manor; and
  • noted the Ready Now Grants program quarterly report (December 2023 to February 2024) including:
    • Camperdown Bowling Club ($495) to replace a defibrillator battery;
    • Camperdown Pastoral and Agricultural Society ($500) towards relocation of water meter;
    • Terang and District Probus Club ($384) to buy a portable speaker;
    • Port Campbell Rifle Club ($500) to buy a solar water pump;
    • Port Campbell Public Purpose Reserve Committee of Management ($500) for materials to build a portable nine-hole mini-golf course; and
    • Lake Bookaar Recreation Reserve Committee of Management ($500) to buy roadside signage.