What happened at the December Council Meeting

At its December meeting Council:

  • noted the Chief Executive Officer’s annual report
  • Granted planning permits for
    • a 13-lot subdivision at 58 Lord Street, Port Campbell
    • an underground gas storage facility at 464 Boundary Road Timboon West
    • a transfer station at 325 Manifold Street, Camperdown
  • adopted the Terang Development Plan 2023
  • received and noted
    • the Municipal Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 Annual Review 2023
    • the Disability Access & Inclusion Plan 2021- 2025 Update December 2023
  • adopted the Planning Delegations Policy December 2023
  • awarded Contract No. 2024004 – Construction of a New Road off Thomson Street Service Road, Terang and Associated Subdivision Work to Blue Civil & Construction Pty Ltd for $727,965.52 (GST inclusive)
  • received the project update for the Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation Project and noted
    • increased community engagement to be undertaken in 2024 on materials variations and project scope changes
    • revised scope of works for the Headland Trail with further detailed design to be undertaken
  • endorsed the proposed change to the roundabout on the Great Ocean Road and Cairns Street to be an exit only onto Cairns Street
  • allocates $27,000 in Facility Design Grant funds to:
    • Cobden Football Netball Club ($7,500) for quantity surveyor costs for club room upgrades and completion of a feature and level survey
    • Pomborneit Cricket Club ($5,600) to design plans for existing and proposed new club rooms
    • Port Campbell Surf Life Saving Club ($6,700) for quantity surveyor costs to address universal design requirements around accessibility and inclusion;
    • Timboon Bowling Club ($7,200) to design plans for alterations to clubrooms, amenities and entrance
  • endorsed the list of projects for Phase B funding of $1,318,359 under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP Program) Phase 4:
    • Seal Dow Street, Terang from Cobden Terang Road to the kindergarten $199,890
    • Dow Street, Ewing Street, Enemy Street traffic calming raised platform $74,889
    • Blind Creek Road / Sandys Lane, Bookaar intersection upgrade $314,889
    • Park Lane, Skipton culvert replacement $214,889
    • Guardrail installation on Timboon Terang Road (Maguires Road corner), Eastern Creek Road, Sadlers Road and the Mt Leura summit $224,023
    • Widening and rehabilitation of Rands Road, Timboon between Morgan and Church streets $199,889
    • Footpath on the south side of Morris Street, Port Campbell $89,890
  • resolved to write to the Roads Minister Melissa Horne acknowledging community concern about the Darlington Road Princes Highway Intersection and request that treatments to improve the safety of road users be investigated, for instance side road activated variable speed signs.