What happened at the August Council Meeting

At its August meeting Council:

  • resolved to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning for Planning Scheme Amendment C65 under Section 8A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987; and, after receiving authorisation, to exhibit the amendment C65 in accordance with Section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, subject to final ordinance and mapping changes;
  • endorsed the Corangamite Shire Council Submission Draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines and Renewable Energy Zone Study Area 2024 which has been submitted to VicGrid to comply with prescribed consultation timelines;
  • adopted new Fees and Charges and Committees of Council Policies;
  • revoked the Light Vehicle Fleet Policy and noted the new policy will be an organisational policy;
  • varied the Special Charge Scheme for installation of kerb and channel in Dover Street, from north of Silvester Street to Neylon Street, Cobden, to acknowledge the final costs, and resolved to call on property owners for payment;
  • determined to continue with the existing rental charge for the for the Terang Drill Hall at 10 Shadforth Street with 3% annual increments resulting in $138 per annum at the commencement of the new agreement; and resolved to advertise the intention to lease it for retail use;
  • awarded
    • Contract No. 2025014 - Sealing of Various Local Roads throughout Corangamite Shire and Warrnambool City in 2024-2025 to Inroads Pty Ltd for $3,027,272.60 (including GST) and authorised the budget saving of $41,662.50 (including GST) be used for road maintenance to ensure Roads to Recovery funding requirements are met; and
    • Contract 2025016 Provision of Services to Undertake a Flood Study to Water Technology for $351,494 (including GST);
  • approved the business case, cost benefit analysis, staging plan, concept designs and project brief for the Camperdown Theatre Complex and resolved to continue advocating for funding towards this transformational project;
  • received and noted the Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation Project update;
  • resolved to develop a parking for Port Campbell policy that does not include paid time parking options
  • extended the delivery date for revised integrated whale song light and sound installations; and
  • increased the project budget by $500,000 to address unforeseen service related issues;
  • resolved to use the outcomes of the ‘Community Kitchen Tables’ consultation to inform the ‘2025-2029 Council Plan’ and the refresh of the ‘Corangamite 2040 Community Vision’; and
  • approved $2000 Business Assistance Scheme funding to Heytesbury House for a community event.