What happened at the July Council Meeting

At its July meeting, Council

  • Appointed three community representatives to the Mt Noorat Management Committee for a term until June 2028
  • Refused a Planning Permit for a two-lot subdivision on Lower Darlington Road, Duverney
  • Received the
    • 2023-2024 Mt Noorat Management Committee Annual Report
    • Corporate Strategic Risk Report
    • ALGA National General Assembly 2024 Report on Attendance
  • Authorised the payment of the 2024-2025 property insurance premium
  • Awarded
    • Contract 2025011: Supply and Delivery of One Compactor, Corangamite Regional Landfill) to GCM Enviro Pty Ltd for the supply of a TANA H520 Compactor for $1,746,767.00 including GST;
    • Contract 2025012: Services for Landfill Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring for Corangamite Regional Landfill at Naroghid and Closed Landfill at Noorat to Ventia Utility Services Pty Ltd for seven (7) Years;
    • Contract 2025013 - construction of Earthworks, Roads, Drainage, Water Reticulation, Sewer & Associated Works – Trestle Estate – Stage 1 to Otway Civil Pty Ltd for the contract sum of $760,077.90 including GST.
  • Authorised the CEO to approve contract variations for Kerbside Collection Services Contract 2023014
  • Approved the Plan for Victoria and Draft Housing Targets Submission 2024
  • Allocated annual grants programs
  • Approved the allocation of the Berrybank Wind Farm grants for Round 3
  • Approved Business Assistance Scheme – July grant for A is for Atlas (Dining Room Tales) ($2000 excl GST)
  • Acknowledged the Camperdown Saleyard expression of interest and resolved to
    • Advise the submitter of the EOI process that Council will not pursue the use of the site as a livestock selling centre at this point in time.
    • Investigate the future use of the site as part of the Camperdown and Terang structure plans noting the site will not be used for short-term yarding.
    • Investigate the feasibility of a commercial truck wash facility in the shire noting the existing truck wash will not be operational in the short term.
    •  Authorise expenditure within the Chief Executive Officers delegation to complete the investigation under points 2 and 3 above.    
  • Noted the rescheduled ordinary meeting in September 2024 to Monday 16 September 2024.
  • Approved the appointment of Mr. David Harrington as the Acting Chief Executive Officer from 23 August until 8 September, 2024 inclusive, followed by Ms. Justine Linley commencing as the Acting Chief Executive Officer from 9 September to 22 September, inclusive
  • Revoked the previous CEO instrument of delegation dated 27 July 2021 and authorised the CEO Instrument of Delegation July 2024.