What happened at the May 2023 Council Meeting

At its May meeting Council:

  • Appointed Sarah Roberts and David Roberts to community representative positions on the Cobden Aerodrome Community Asset Committee for 2022-2023
  • Granted planning permits for:
    • 16 additional accommodation units and a function room at the Southern Ocean Motor Inn at Port Campbell; and
    • a Materials Recycling Facility at Lilleys Lane, Ecklin South
  • Endorsed the 2023-2024 Draft Budget for public comment
  • Received the finance report for the period ended 31 March and approved adjustments to the 2022-2023 forecast budget
  • Adopted:
  • Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to accept delegated Committee of Management responsibility for the Terang Senior Citizens building and to enter into a monthly overholding lease arrangement as per the terms of the existing lease with Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action until a Committee of Management is appointed
  • Endorsed ‘Grow and Prosper Corangamite, the Corangamite Economic Growth and Prosperity Framework 2022–2032’, thanked community members and stakeholders for their input and resolved to proceed to the next stage of developing six Action Plans and associated Programs
  • Allocated Quick Response Grants to:
    • Camperdown SES ($500) towards a barbecue
    • Camperdown Probus Club ($500) towards a portable PA
    • Purvis Eureka Car Club of Australia ($500) towards running an event in the Shire
  • Expressed disappointment in relation to the the lack of communication and engagement of ratepayers, community and the Corangamite Shire by the wind farm proponent REFuture for the Garvoc wind farm for the planning application recently lodged with the Department of Transport and Planning and resolved that that the mayor express disappointment in writing to ministers D'Ambrosio and Kilkenny and REFutures on behalf of the Corangamite Shire and its ratepayers and all its communities.

Council meeting minutes and agendas can be found here