What happened at the February 2025 Council meeting
At its February meeting, Council:
- Adopted
- the Rates and Charges Collection and Hardship Policy February 2025;
- the Councillor Gift Policy February 2025; and
- the Community Engagement Policy February 2025;
- received the Annual Action Plan Progress Report for July – December 2024;
- noted the six-month provisional results for the period ending 31 December 2024 for the legislated performance indicators under the Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020;
- received the finance report for the period ending 31 December 2024 and approved the forecast adjustments to the 2024-2025 budget of $455,684;
- Resolved to release the draft Lake Recreation Reserve master plan for public consultation from late March;
- adopted Planning Scheme Amendment C65 to provide and facilitate market-ready land to support sustainable industrial growth and development opportunities outlined in the Camperdown Production Precinct Masterplan;
- awarded to KOR Equipment Solutions Pty Ltd contract 2025020 for a new Hino FG 1628 with a Schwarze GS6 Tempest 6x4 Regenerative Air Road Sweeper at $526,918 including GST with a $85,800 trade-in on the old street sweeper;
- resolved to submit the following motion for consideration at the MAV State Council meeting on 16 May 2025:
- That with respect to the Emergency Services Volunteer Fund Levy the Municipal Association of Victoria request the Victorian Government to:
- Reassess the funding model to ensure it is equitable and does not disproportionately burden rural communities.
- Shift levy collection responsibilities to the State Government.
- Compensate councils for administrative costs if collection duties remain delegated.
- Implement a comprehensive communication strategy to clarify the levy’s purpose and allocation;
- Nominated Mayor Kate Makin; and Deputy Mayor Laurie Hickey to attend the National General Assembly of Local Government 2025; and
- noted the November 2024 – January 2025 Ready Now Grant program report detailing grant to:
- Lakes and Craters Band ($440) to buy four music stands;
- Cobrico Hall Committee of Management ($500) for the annual Cobrico and District community barbecue;
- Port Campbell Baptist Church ($400) to buy outdoor nativity decorations to accompany carols at Port Campbell;
- Camperdown Theatre Company ($500) to stage a free community festive season celebration;
- Timboon Men’s Shed ($233) for painting materials for a meeting place at Timboon Kindergarten;
- Camperdown Uniting Church ($500) for an Open Door Christmas Day for community members in need of social connection;
- Timboon Action ($500) to buy 20 Christmas Trees with fairy lights from Timboon Men's shed;
- Timboon Basketball Association ($350) for skills training and selection support for U14 girls regional tournament; and
- Hampden Tennis Association ($500) for a security door.