By-election announced to fill Council vacancy

Published on 20 April 2020

Central ward.jpg

A by-election will be held to fill the vacancy on Corangamite Shire Council left by the passing of Cr Wayne Oakes.

Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek has fixed Saturday 27 June as the date for the postal vote to fill the extraordinary vacancy in Central Ward.

The announcement was published in the Victorian Government Gazette on Friday.

Mayor Neil Trotter encouraged residents to think about running.

“It’s always good to get new blood and new ideas onto Council,” he said.

“With a general election to be held in October, this is an opportunity to dip your toe in the water and decide if you are interested in running for a full term.

“More competition is always good, and incumbency gives people a leg up when it comes to the Council election in October.  If they’ve been elected in the by-election, they’ll have a foot in the door when it comes to the next full term.

“Being on Council is an immensely rewarding experience. While it’s a steep learning curve when you first start, there’s a tremendous amount of satisfaction in knowing you’re helping build a secure future for the community.”

Cr Trotter said Cr Oakes had been a much valued colleague and he hoped nominees with similar dedication to serving the community would throw their hats in the ring.

“Councillors don’t always see eye to eye but robust debate is what democracy is all about. The current Councillors have a good working relationship where we can speak our mind and come to common ground that benefits the Shire.

“The successful candidate will join a team that is committed to prudent financial management, strategic forward planning, and vigorous advocacy to State and Federal Government.”

Cr Trotter said the by-election would be a postal vote so social distancing would not be an issue. The Victorian Electoral Commission produces handbooks to help candidates with the nomination process. For unscheduled election events, such as by-elections, handbooks are produced as soon as possible and published on
