National Desexing Month

Blue and white image of dog,cat,cow,horse and sheep. Text reads CVC- Camperdown Veterinary Centre. Proud sponsors of


In pounds and shelters across Australia, 200 lost and abandoned cats and dogs still die daily.
During the 19th National Desexing Month in July, the National Desexing Network (NDN) urges the community to take advantage of cat and dog desexing discounts to prevent unwanted litters.
While progress has been made in reducing the euthanasia of cats and dogs in most cities and shires around Australia, 28% of cats are still euthanised in pounds and shelters.
Cats, particularly, are prolific breeders having ten kittens each year on average. This can result in 111,111 kittens being born from one undesexed cat in just five years.
“Managing unwanted litters is a considerable cost to the community and stresses the animals and the people who have to manage and try to rehome them,” said NDN spokesperson Dr Joy Verrinder.
“Cats and dogs desexed in July are less likely to be pregnant or in-season, which makes it a quicker and easier procedure for the animal as well, and less costly for owners,” said Dr Verrinder.
National Desexing Month was developed by Animal Welfare League Queensland in 2005.
Since then, information and posters have been sent out to every vet, Council and animal organisation in Australia every year to encourage community-wide promotion and support for desexing cats and dogs before the spring breeding season.
Approximately 10,000 cats and dogs were desexed yearly during National Desexing Month before 2020.
In the years 2020 to 2022, there has been a decrease in the number of participating vets due to the pandemic.
“Although the worst of the pandemic is behind us, we recognise there is a critical shortage of veterinarians around the country which might make it harder for some clinics to participate again this year.
We are very thankful for vets still offering reduced prices for National Desexing Month,” said Dr Verrinder.
Camperdown Veterinary Centre is very excited to be on board with this initiative and recognises the importance of helping pets and their owners in our community. This offer is only for the month of July and there are limited bookings available. Please call (03) 5593 1077 for prices and to make a booking now.



  • Saturday, 01 July 2023 | 12:00 AM - Monday, 31 July 2023 | 11:59 PM


Camperdown Veterinary Centre, 1 Leura St, Camperdown, 3260, View Map

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