Mt Leura and Mt Sugarloaf Management Committee


There are currently two vacant positions available on the Mt Leura and Mt Sugarloaf Management Committee. These two positions are for three-year terms until March 2028. Nominations for these positions are now being sought from community members interested in the management and development of the volcanic icons.

The primary role of the committee is to manage the implementation of the Mt Leura and Mt Sugarloaf Management Plan, which sets out a vision to manage the reserves for their environmental, geological, tourism, educational and recreational values.

Duties include:

  • helping implement the Mt Leura and Mt Sugarloaf Management Plan which focuses on revegetation, education and recreational opportunities.
  • attending monthly committee meetings (two hours) and others as required;
  • promoting and running committee events, community planting days and working bees;
  • developing funding applications; and
  • maintaining and developing the reserves through work such as weed control and tree-planting.

Committee member role
As a member of the Mt Leura and Mt Sugarloaf Management Committee you may be required to undertake various duties including (but not limited to):

  • Attend monthly Committee meetings and other meetings as required..
  • Assist in coordinating, running and promoting Committee events, including community planting days, working bees, workshops and other community activities.
  • Assist in developing promotional, recreational and educational resources for use by a range of reserve users. 
  • Assist in on-ground activities relating to maintenance and development of the reserves such as weed control, nursery propagation, tree-planting and minor construction works.
  • Contribute to the implementation of the Management Plan.

The position description(PDF, 531KB) is available to view online.

Nominations will be received until 5 pm Wednesday 2 April.

Please fill out the online application below. If you would prefer to fill out a hardcopy you can download it here(PDF, 175KB) or you can pick up a form from Council's office at 181 Manifold Street, Camperdown.