Young Active Kids (YAK)


What is YAK?

The Young Active Kids (YAK) program is an active and structured gymnastics based program for pre-school aged children which promotes a range of learning opportunities in a friendly and safe environment. It is a weekly, one hour class offered in Camperdown and Terang, and once a term in Skipton that features a range of opportunities for pre-school aged children including:

  • Physical activity
  • Structured gymnastic based program
  • Developmental benefits
  • Play and socialisation
  • Fun and independence
  • Safe environment
  • Achieving at own level

Our team of staff aim to provide an exciting, fun-filled and challenging experience for all participants AND parents.

YAK Session information

When is it on?
YAK classes operate during school terms as follows:

  • Camperdown (Theatre Royal):  Monday 10 am
  • Terang (Terang Stadium): Tuesday 10 am

Where does it take place?

How much does it cost?
Fees per class are $6.50 for 1 child, $11.50 for 2 children, and $15.50 for 3 children from the same family.

Can I drop my child off and leave?

No. One of the many benefits of the YAK program is that you get to be involved. Your involvement is essential to ensuring your child gains maximum benefit from the program. From our observations it is evident that children will:

  • Naturally seek challenges to test themselves,
  • Take risks in an attempt to master new skills,
  • Not necessarily seek adult attention or assistance when combating these new challenges.

As such, all parents are encouraged to be involved with their children’s participation at YAK and actively supervise their involvement. We ask that you stay close to your child, i.e. arms distance, as they navigate the equipment. Enjoy watching your child learn and discover new skills!

At Home Sessions