The First 72 Hours

Text Reads: You can handle an emergency if you stay better prepared. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly. Are you prepared to take care of yourself and your family before assistance arrives?
White line icon of a sink with two taps
Text reads: Develop a readiness plan- Make a plan, prepare a kit with essential items, go digital by saving all important documents online, and stay informed.

Emergencies can happen unexpectedly, leaving little time for people to prepare. It is important for every individual to be ready for a minimum of 72 hours to take care of themselves and their family until external help arrives.

Expect the unexpected

Often emergencies will be followed by another risk such as power outages and roadblocks which can often result in assistance delays. Let’s start to think, what if this service stops for 72 hours:

Blue line icon of a lightbulb

No power

Red line icon of a sink with two taps

No water

Orange line icon of a flame

No gas

Blue line icon of a network symbol

No reception

Orange line icon of a pot sitting on a hot plate

Limited food

Get prepared 

The First 72 Hours Logo - Circle logo with the following text 'Make a plan, stay informed, go digital, prepare a kit'

1. Make a plan

Create an evacuation plan with your family then electronically store this plan. Don’t forget to teach every family member on how to access this plan.

It is important to plan for various scenarios:

  • If you are home
  • If your child is at school
  • If you are at work

2. Prepare a kit

It is important to prepare an emergency kit in the event that you need to leave your home in a matter of minutes. An emergency kit can also be helpful if the choice in leaving is no longer an option.

Your kit should contain: 

  • A torch
  • Documents
  • Food
  • First Aid
  • Clothes
  • Toiletries
  • Warer
  • Phone
  • Batteries
  • Money

3. Go digital

Taking time to scan and save your document in digital copy will ensure your family and your possessions are protected and in position to recover after a crisis.

Important things to save digitally:


  • Insurance policies
  • Property documents
  • Medical records
  • Financial records

Home Inventory

  • Photos of possessions
  • Photos of house assets
  • Receipts, warranties etc.
  • Appropriate amount of coverage

Contact List

  • Family
  • Utility providers
  • Healthcare providers
  • Insurance agents

4. Stay informed

Emergencies can be overwhelming in addition to the influx of information.

It is important to be aware of official and accurate information channels to stay informed with facts before, during and after an emergency.


  1. Vic Emergency App (iTunes Store or Google Play Store) or Website
  2. CFA Website and Social Media
  3. BOM Weather App or Website
  4. VicTraffic App or Website
  5. ABC Radio 594AM
  6. Police/Ambulance/Fire 000
  7. SES 132 500