

Have you received an infringement from Council? Under the Infringements Act 2006, you can:

  • Request an internal review on specific grounds
  • Apply for a payment plan or extension
  • Elect to have the matter heard in court

Request an internal review

You can request an internal review on the grounds listed below:

Special circumstances

Special circumstances apply if, at the time of the offence, you were affected by one of the following:

  • Homelessness.
  • Family violence. 
  • A mental or intellectual disability, disorder, disease or illness (that impacted your ability to understand or control the offending).
  • A serious addiction to drugs or alcohol (that impacted your ability to understand or control the offending).
  • Circumstances that are long term in nature and make it impractical for you to pay the infringement. This does not solely or predominately relate to financial circumstances.

Supporting documents

To substantiate a claim of special circumstances, you will need to provide evidence such as a letter from a general practitioner, psychologist, social worker or drug and alcohol counsellor.

Exceptional circumstances

This applies if there are exceptional circumstances that could excuse the infringement offence.

For example, a tree fell on your fence which allowed livestock to escape onto the road.

Supporting documents

You will need to provide evidence to support your claim such as photographs or statutory declaration from you and/or a witness.

Mistaken identity

The means that you weren’t the person who committed the offence.

Supporting documents

You will need to provide evidence to support your claim such as a statutory declaration from you and/or a witness and photographs.

Person unaware

You were unaware that an infringement has been issued.

An application made on the ground of ‘person unaware’ must be made within 14 days of you becoming aware of the infringement notice.

Please note that:

  1. You cannot appeal under this ground if you have moved address and not notified VicRoads within 14 days of your change of address.
  2. We cannot consider withdrawing the infringement under these grounds. We can only consider waiving additional costs that may have been incurred and/or provide you with additional time to pay the infringement.

Supporting documents

A statutory declaration is required about the date that you became aware of the infringement notice.

Decision contrary to law

5. Decision contrary to law

You may request a review of the infringement if you believe the decision to issue the infringement was contrary to law.

Supporting documents

 You will need to outline why you believe the decision is contrary to law and provide supporting evidence such as letter from legal representation.


Reasons that don’t qualify for a review

There are several circumstances that are not considered grounds for review such as (but not limited to):

  • Being unaware that your conduct was an infringeable offence.
  • Forgetting to register or renew an animal’s registration.

When can I request an infringement review?

A request for an internal review of the infringement can be lodged at any time before an infringement has been referred to court (note that all unpaid infringements are referred to court).

Please note that if we receive your request later than the infringement notice due date, a penalty reminder fee may be added to the infringement amount.

If the application is being made on the ground of ‘person unaware’, the request for internal review must be made within 14 days of you being aware of the infringement notice.

How do I apply for an internal review?

You can apply for an internal review using the form below.


Alternatively, you can you download a copy of the form here(PDF, 515KB) and submit to via:

Email to:

Post to: PO Box 84 Camperdown VIC 3260

Deliver to: 181 Manifold St Camperdown VIC 3260

Please ensure that you attach to your internal review request all supporting evidence that you would like to be considered for the review.

What happens next?

Once we receive your request, the infringement will be put on hold and you will be emailed with an acknowledgment of your review application.

In accordance with the Infringement Act 2006, an infringement review panel will then review the decision to issue you with an infringement. Please note that the infringement review panel does not include any officer that was involved in the decision to issue the infringement notice, although officers may provide information to the panel for consideration during the review.

The infringement review panel may decide to:

  • Confirm the decision to issue the infringement notice.
  • Withdraw the infringement notice.
  • Withdraw the infringement notice and issue an official warning in its place.
  • In the case of an infringement offence involving additional steps, alter or vary those steps provided the alteration or variation is consistent with the Act or regulations establishing the offence.
  • Waive all or any prescribed costs.
  • Approve a payment plan.
  • Do any combination of any of the actions referred to in the above paragraphs.

Council will provide you with a written outcome of the internal review within 90 days from date of receipt of your request.

What if the panel needs further information to make a decision?

The infringement review panel may ask you for further information. You must provide this information within 14 days or request in writing an extension of time to provide the information. If the information is not provided within 35 days (or within the period specified for an extension of time), the panel may decide on the review without this information.

Useful links

 Apply for a payment plan or extension

If you cannot afford to pay the infringement in full, you may request a payment plan to pay it off gradually or request additional time in which to pay. Please contact Council on 5593 7100 if you would like to set up a payment plan.

Payment plans should be requested before the due date of your infringement to avoid incurring further penalty costs.

A Council officer will contact you to discuss and negotiate a payment schedule. Where your request for a payment plan is approved, Council will provide you with a letter offering a payment plan.

Please note that when requested, Council must offer a payment plan to any person who holds:

  • A Commonwealth Government (Centrelink) Pensioner Concession Card;
  • A Department of Veteran’s Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Gold Card; or
  • A Centrelink Health Care Card (all types including non-means tested).

Elect to have the matter heard at Court

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your infringement review, or would prefer to have the matter dealt with directly by a Magistrate without seeking a review, you can apply to have the matter heard at the Magistrate's Court.

Please contact council on 5593 7100 if you would like to refer the matter to Court.

It is recommended that you seek your own legal advice prior to requesting that the matter is heard at Court.