Overview of Local Laws
We have a set of local laws and policies which operate to protect the amenity of Corangamite Shire and the safety of all those who come to be in it. These rules cover many aspects of daily life - from practical safety issues to more aesthetic considerations.
We encourage all members of the community to take responsibility for maintaining the Shire as a safe and pleasant place to be by having regard for each other and by complying with the local laws.
Permits must be obtained from the Shire to ensure certain fundraising events, business activities, farming enterprises and fire management procedures are conducted in a manner that ensures that the public safety and amenity of the community is protected.
You can apply online for the following permits:
If you are having any issues with the online forms, please let us know and we can provide a hardcopy form for you to complete and submit.
You will need to complete a Local Law permit application form if you wish to apply for any of the following
- Having chairs and tables outside a restaurant or cafe
- Using an A-frame board to promote your business
- Displaying goods for sale outside a shop
- Excess animals
- Undertake an activity on a road reserve
- Grazing your animals on the side of the road
Local Law Permit Application
Need to know more?
More detailed information about Local Law permit conditions can be found in the Use of Council Land Policy and for further Local Laws and policies please look up the relevant Council Local Law.