Camperdown and Terang Structure Plans

What is a structure plan
A structure plan is a long term plan that will guide how a town will develop and change over time. It is a directional document that provides guidance on how to manage and facilitate change within a town or area.
A structure plan will include a vision along with strategies and actions to achieve the vision. This will include how land can be used, what facilities and infrastructure is required to support the town and how challenges and opportunities can be addressed.
Why we need a structure plan
Camperdown and Terang are significant towns within the Corangamite Shire Council. They provide access to key services as well as business and housing opportunities. Any growth within the towns needs to be planned and considered to ensure their ongoing success.
The structure plans will consider how the towns can take advantages of business and tourism opportunities and respond to the challenges of climate change and housing supply.
The structure plan will ensure that any changes are well considered and planned to maintain and enhance the individual towns character and vibrance.
How the structure plans will be developed
The structure plans will be developed in consultation with community members and there will be a range of opportunities to be involved in the process.
A Project Working Group has been established for each town. Each group will provide insight into their town and offer suggestions on how the plan can be developed and how to best engage the broader community to ensure all can participate in the process.
A background paper will be developed which will outline all the research and data for each town. This will include economic and residential drivers, environmental and infrastructure considerations and community desires and expectations. This will provide the foundation for the development of the structure plan.
A draft structure plan for each town will be developed and made available for community comments.
The final structure plan will be developed after consideration of community comments and will be presented to council for formal adoption.
Background Reports
A background paper has now been prepared which outlines all the research and data for each town. This includes economic and residential drivers, environmental and infrastructure considerations and community desires and expectations. The work undertaken to date provides the foundation for the development of the structure plan.
Background Reports for each town can be viewed here:
Camperdown Background Report(PDF, 12MB) Terang Background Report(PDF, 7MB)
How you can get involved
Community involvement throughout the project’s development is integral to the success of the project, and formal engagement opportunities will occur at key points.
The first phase of community engagement will be undertaken in February-March 2025. Opportunities to have your say include:
- Street chats – keep your eye open for one of our planning and engagement specialists on the 25 and 26 February, who will be chatting to community members on the main streets of Terang and Camperdown.
- Community Markets (project stall - drop by and have a chat)
- Terang Market – 1 March
- Camperdown Market – 2 March
- Corangamite Community Conference, Camperdown (12 March)
- Online survey
Additionally, the project team will be meeting with some identified community groups.
Please contact Council’s planning department if you have any further questions,
Analysis: October 2024 to January 2025
Background Report: February 2025
Community Consultation: February to March 2025
Draft Structure Plan: March to April 2025
Community Consultation: June 2025
Adoption of Structure Plan: August 2025