Camperdown Streetscape Refresh Stage 2

At its February 2019 meeting, Council awarded the contract for stage 2 of the Camperdown Streetscape project.  

Works will include:

  • Wider grass perimeter and a new pathway with bluestone kerb around the clocktower which will make it more accessible and safer for the public visiting the site.
  • Additional kerb outstands and a new pedestrian island in Manifold Street adjacent to the courthouse/Council office entry which will provide greater safety for those crossing the street at this location
  • Refurbishment of seats and street light poles in the town centre area
  • Repositioning the Pike Street median at Manifold Street to cater for the turning movements of larger vehicles
  • A pathway extension for those approaching the clocktower from the east
  • Resurfacing the town centre area and service road adjacent to the clocktower with bluestone pavers and planting grass in areas where tree roots have been raising the red bricks in the town centre.

Works will be undertaken from March to June 2019, weather permitting.