Creative Industries and Placemaking


The aim of the Creative Industries and Placemaking stream is to support and build the capacity of entrepreneurs, creatives and established businesses to create and deliver inclusive and vibrant projects in public spaces or areas that are accessible to the public.

Entrepreneurs and creative industries play an important role in the shire’s economic growth and prosperity including bringing innovation, job creation and contributing to social and community development.  By supporting these sectors, and enhancing our public spaces through community driven placemaking, the aim is to activate the Shire for the benefit and attraction of residents and visitors.

How to apply?

Applicants with ideas and potential projects need to make an appointment with the Economy & Prosperity team.  The team will work with applicants to develop their idea/project.  When you are meeting with the team discussions could include:

  • Tell us about the idea /project?
  • Who in the community will utilise the public space and /or benefit from the project.
  • If the project is on private land, that the public can access, do you have the owner’s consent?
  • Who will deliver and/or maintain the project?

How much funding is available?

Applicants can apply for maximum funding of up to $2,000 (exc. GST) per project. Applicants are only eligible for one grant per annum. 

This stream requires that the application must demonstrate how the project will satisfy one or more of the following:

  • Activate a public space or an area that is accessible to the public by encouraging people to visit, invest and spend time in the place.
  • Reimagining and reinventing public spaces; enhance streetscapes and/or improve walkability.
  • Encourage/increase participation in community life; encourage accessibility and social inclusion.
  • Celebrate and connect the space to the unique history of the community.

Please view guidelines booklet and speak to a member of the Economy & Prosperity team.