
The Spotlight on Darlington community plan was finalised in March 2014. A survey and two public meetings gathered 31 ideas for Darlington, a third of which related to improving town services and facilities. These translated into 16 priorities over the plan’s ten year scope. Spotlight on Darlington was elaborated through two more public meetings. Project groups were formed to get to work on five community initiatives. A review of the Plan took place in 2019.

Top priorities include:

  1. Clean up the town (completed in part)
  2. Establish picnic area (completed on Nugget’s Flat)
  3. Construct new toilets at Recreation Reserve
  4. Install information board near Hotel (commenced)
  5. Improve safety of entry to Speedway and Cemetery
  6. Re-open Elephant Bridge Hotel (completed)
  7. Repair Mechanics Institute Hall (completed in part)