
The Planning for Princetown community plan was developed through the first half of 2014 and finalised on 31 May 2014. It was based on a town survey and two public meetings. The Plan outlines 19 priorities, 12 of which relate to Parks Victoria and State Planning and Environment functions.

Planning for Princetown highlights those things that matter most to Princetown residents, namely the Gellibrand River wetlands and wildlife and the outstanding natural environment.

Princetown’s top priorities include:

  1. Creating a community meeting space (completed)
  2. Construct new toilets at the Bridge
  3. Fix dangerous town entry intersection
  4. Construct pontoons for second swimming area
  5. Upgrade power supply (and fix water supply)
  6. Improve town entrance signage and vegetation (completed)
  7. Protect, maintain and promote wetlands sanctuary