Helpful links and phone numbers


Helpful links and phone numbers:

For further information about the Maternal Child Health Service in Victoria go to Maternal Child Health

24-Hour Maternal & Child Health Line - 13 22 29: Qualified maternal and child health nurses provide information, support and advice to Victorian families with children from birth to school age (5 years old) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maternal and Child Health Line Service

Nurse on Call - 1300 60 60 24: Immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nurse on Call

Parent Line - 13 22 89: Information and assistance for parents and carers on a wide range of issues, including those who are struggling with or finding the parenting role challenging. They cannot provide legal or medical
Poisons Information Centre - 13 11 26: 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week advice on poisoning, suspected poisoning, and mistakes with medicine, bites and stings. Victorian Poisons Information Centre.

Virtual Emergency Department: A public health service in Victoria to treat non-life-threatening emergencies.

Royal Children's Hospital factsheets: A library of fact sheets on conditions, tests and treatments to help you care for your family.

The Orange Door:Help for people who are experiencing family violence or who need support with the care and wellbeing of children and young people.

Domestic and Family Violence 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 7328):

Beyond Blue: 24/7 support for anxiety depression and suicide. Mental health info and free, qualified support via chat or phone.

PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia) National Helpline 1300 726 306: Monday to Saturday 9 am to 7.30 pm AEST/AEDT

Better Health Channel: Provides health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians and their communities.

Raising Children Network: Find resources on premature babies & newborns behaviour, development, sleep and daily care.

Early Parenting Centres: Work in partnership with families to provide specialised and targeted support to care for babies and toddler until they are 4 years old. Located in Ballarat and Geelong.


Gunditjmara Health Clinic: Maternal and child health services for mothers with Aboriginal babies. 

Quit Line - 13 78 48: Discover the health benefits of quitting smoking.

Safe Sleep: Red Nose

Terang Day Stay: Support with parenting issues for families with babies, toddlers and children up to age 3. View flyer.(PDF, 271KB) Phone (03) 5592 0284
Breastfeeding Helpline - 1800 mum 2 mum (1800 686 268): Talk to a breastfeeding counsellor
Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre: A hub of information and support, giving parents an opportunity to connect with others and access professional breastfeeding and lactation advice. Visit 

Corangamite Moyne Libraries: Offer regular activities for children and families, including Baby Bounce, Rhyme Time, Storytime and more. Find your local branch at

Op Shops: Op shops throughout Corangamite Shire are great if you're looking for good-quality, second-hand baby, family and household goods.

  • Skipton: Community Shop Inc. 21 Montgomery Street
  • Camperdown: Lifeline Shop. 178 Manifold Street
  • Camperdown: Sunnyside Shop.184 Manifold Street
  • Camperdown: Vinnies. 156 Manifold Street
  • Cobden: Charity Shop. 41 Curdie Street
  • Cobden: Uniting Church Op Shop. 50 Curdie Street
  • Terang: Community Op Shop. 10 Shadforth Street
  • Timboon: TOPs Op Shop. 17 Timboon-Curdievale Road
  • Derrinallum: Op Shop. 26 Main Street