Domestic Wastewater System Contribution Program NOW OPEN


Domestic Wastewater Contribution Program

Program brochure(PDF, 243KB)

The DWSCP aims to provide a financial incentive for the development of new housing in the Shire on lots in township areas that are not serviced by a reticulated sewage system.

This includes the towns of Darlington, Derrinallum, Lismore, Noorat and Princetown.

The program has been developed in response to feedback provided to Council, that the high costs associated with wastewater treatment on small blocks in these towns is a barrier to development.

Through the creation of this program, it is hoped that Council can encourage more development in these towns, leading to increases in both population and economic activity for the Shire.

The program is unique with no other councils in the state having completed anything similar, and if successful it could be expanded or completed again in future years.

Under this program, the owner of a lot of land would be eligible for a one-off grant of up to $5,000 if the completion of a Land Capability Assessment (LCA) and/or the installation of an EPA approved secondary wastewater treatment system.

Applications open