Reduce Your Water Use
Water Saving Habits
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or shaving
- Only use as much water as you need
- Limit showers to under 4 minutes
- Only use your dishwasher and washing machine when they are full
- Use the toilet half flush when appropriate
- Think before putting water down the sink, empty water bottles into the garden or pet bowls
Water saving upgrades
- Fix dripping taps
- Install low-flow shower heads to save water and energy
- Choose water-saving appliances
- Get a plumber to check water pipes for leaks
Using water outside
- Wash your car on the lawn, with a bucket instead of a hose to reduce the water used
- Install a pool cover to reduce the amount of evaporation
- Install rainwater tanks to collect and use rainwater, use this for toilets and kitchen sinks or for the garden
Garden water
- It is best to water your garden early in the morning and late in the evening to reduce evaporation
- While waiting for water to heat, collect it and use this to water your garden
- Use mulch to reduce evaporation and keep soil moist
- Choose plants that are more water tolerant and do not require large amounts of watering
- Use a hose with a trigger nozzle that turns water on and off
- Use a timer if using a sprinkler or irrigation system in your garden
Have a look at these resources for some more water saving tips: